Notes on Committee Meeting 2nd December 2019

 Minutes of a Special meeting of the Somerset Captains 2nd December 2019

The meeting commenced at 6pm

Present. RA, DA, SB, JS, JB

Apologies received from Mike Usher-Clarke, Roy Parmiter, Rob Ford


Presidents Committee: President* Vice President, Captain, Secretary. Responsible for the safeguarding of the reputation of the Somerset Golf Captains.   Maintenance of standards, selection of V.P and V.C, procedural issues. To Meet twice a year.

Executive committee: Vice President* Captain, V Captain, Secretary, and Treasurer: Oversight of all operational sub-groups; setting budgets, targets, and policy. Responsible for budget setting and securing the financial stability of the Captains activities; delivery of the SGC programme; the planning and development of our processes and member offering. Receives reports from, and gives direction to, operational subgroups. Meets 6 times a year.

Operational sub Groups

  • Finance: Treasurer* other skill sets deemed necessary
  • Admin support: Secretary*, Fixture Secretary ,IT manager, IT support
  • Dinner Planning: Vice Captain* team recruited to support and advise
  • Team selection: Captain* Vice-Captain, Secretary

* indicates chair of committee or sub committee

*Operational sub- groups meet according to need


The proposals, as amended and presented above, were unanimously agreed. It was further agreed that:

  1. formally setting out the delegations to the committee, the committee chairs and to the sub- groups was essential and this exercise should now be undertaken. Proposals to be agreed at the next meeting of the committee
  2. That the president should be requested to consider the changes above in relation to our constitution and where appropriate report and/ or seek approval at the AGM

The meeting closed at 6.50pm